With our Price Match Guarantee you can shop knowing you'll find the best price at Sherwood park Flowers. For the exact same product, if you find a lower price with another Edmonton and regional flower shop online, in-store, or in print, before you buy or within 8 days of your purchase, we’ll gladly match that price.
Products that qualify for our Low-Price Guarantee - The product you’re comparing must meet the following criteria to qualify:
The product must have the exact same floral composition and flower varieties.
The product’s price must not be lower due to an advertising error, misprint, or on special sale price due to its sub par, damaged or deteriorating quality (like very bloomed or expiring flowers).
The product must be in stock, available for sale on a regular daily basis, and cannot be a limited time offer, pre-order, or available only in limited quantity.
The following conditions do not qualify for a price match:
Floral departments within big box or grocery stores (Safeway, Sobey's, Walmart, Superstore etc.) and wholesalers (Costco). National internet order gatherers who are not based, or operating locally in Sherwood Park or Greater Edmonton Region
Any florist that does not have an in-store shopping access (like basement florists), or those who are not operating on a commercial premises.
Any product purchased within 10 days after a major floral holiday, which include: Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, and Christmas.
Each week we have a new, unique design special for you. Let our designer surprise your or your recipient with a beautiful and fresh floral design with our Weekly Special.
Not sure how to celebrate another fun-filled birthday? Allow us to design a fresh flower arrangement for the one who deserves it the most! It’s an intimate gift like no other, and they’ll love having a bouquet of flowers to bring their home to life. Give them something that will make their birthday special for more than just one day!
It's your special day! Take advantage of our Deal of the Day and treat yourself to some flowers. Our designers have crafted something exquisite just for this deal! Order yourself some beautiful blooms or send our Deal of the Day to your loved ones!